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Enablement Tips is an independent publication launched in March 2024 by Jamie Whitehorn. It focuses on Technology Enablement, a methodology designed to help people successfully integrate a new technology into a business.
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About me
I'm in my fifties, I live in the UK countryside with my better half and two Border Collies, and I've been working with or using computers for over 40 years. The first computer I used was a Sinclair ZX 80 and I've been hooked ever since 🙂. I am currently the proud owner of a replica IMSAI 8080, a PiDP11/70 and a Multics MR12.8 simulator (you're allowed never to have heard of the last one 😁)

My current collection of retro computer replicas and simulators
The green blinkenlights in the third picture sit in front of the Multics simulator. Technically they aren't anything to do with it, but they do make it look cooool 😎
I currently work as a Senior Analytics Consultant for a European consultancy company and I've been helping people to understand and use technology for decades. The Techen methodology is the culmination of that work. Enablement.Tips is very much a labour of love ❤️ for me.
I like helping people. It makes me happy. - MrBeast
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