
Welcome to the Enablement Glossary of Terms 😊
A glossary is defined as "an alphabetic list of words relating to a specific subject, text, or dialect with explanations; a brief dictionary.
Why do we need a Glossary?
When you are talking about something to other people, it's very important that you all have the same understanding of the basic concepts and the words you use. This becomes especially true when you're discussing a technical subject, which may use obscure buzzwords and abbreviations, otherwise it will get very confusing for everyone.
A special request - if you come across a buzzword or abbreviation that I've used here on this site and you don't understand it, please drop me a line and I'll add to the glossary.
Deployment is the action of bringing resources into effective action. In the case of Enablement it's deploying all of the resources need to make a technology available for use in within your business. (source: Wikipedia)
Enablement is the process of making someone able to do something, or making something possible. (source: Cambridge Dictionary)
To successfully adopt a new technology into a business, many things have to happen. Some of these are obvious, like buying or licensing it; some are less obvious, like providing support; and some are darn right obscure, like skills champions. We use Enablement as an umbrella term to cover all of these things. Why Enablement? Because you are literally enabling people, and by extension the business, to successfully use the new technology.
A program is a planned series of activities or events. (source: Cambridge Dictionary)
An Enablement Program is all the activities needed to have a new technology successfully adopted into a business.
Techen is a methodology, it is something etherial, a way of doing things, it's not physical. Resources are the physical things that can help you with implementing Techen.
An abbreviation for the Technology Enablement Methodology. Calling it the Technology Enablement Methodology every time is a bit of a mouth full, and it's a pain to have to type it out in full, some use Techen as an abbreviation for it.
Techen is also a Middle English word that means -
to show, declare, demonstrate; teach, instruct, train; assign, prescribe, direct; warn; persuade (source: Wikipedia).
Technology Enablement Methodology
A methodology designed to help people successfully integrate a new technology into a business, especially an IT based technology. You can learn more here.
One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die. Evelyn Waugh
Header Image: Romain Vignes on Unsplash