Subscribing & Memberships Tiers

Some of the material in Enablement Tips is on public access, some of it you will need to subscribe to access. The good news is, subscription is free at the moment 😊
Why subscribe?
Subscription comes with several advantages -
- You'll be able to comment on posts and ask questions
- You'll be able access the subscriber-only materials
- You can recieve the newsletter
- You can be notified of new posts
- You'll be helping to support Enablement Tips
Why do you ask people to subscribe
This is really about engagement and being able to tell if people are finding the material useful or not. If people are willing to subscribe, it's a good indication that they are finding it useful. Plus it gives us a way to keep in touch with them and let them know when new material is published.
What happens when you subscribe?
You'll get an email confirming your subscription and a link you'll need to click to login in.
There's no password
Yes, the platform that I'm using to host this doesn't use them. If you need to login again, just click the login button and it'll email you a link to use. Once you're logged in, it'll remember you.
Membership Tiers
At the moment there is only one tier and it's free :-)
Will Enablement Tips always be free?
That's a very interesting question and really depends on how successful it becomes. If Enablement Tips becomes wildly successful, then I may have to start charging for access to some of the material. The reason is simply, I have to pay for the site to be hosted. The basic package allows a certain amount of traffic to site. If we stay beneath that, then there is no need to charge for access. If we rise above that base level then I'll have to start charging for access to some of the materials simply to cover my costs. At the moment I have no idea which way this will go.
People read me but they don't subscribe. Jay London
Header image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay